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How Much Does a Case Study Cost?

How much does a Case Study cost? The answer depends on who creates it and how. This article discusses your options and all the factors that go into creating a Case Study and influence its cost.

How Much Does a Case Study Cost?

When it comes to determining who will create your Case Study, you have several options and their costs differ. Take a closer look at each option to determine the right path for you.

In-House Resources

Using in-house resources to create Case Studies may be tempting, but this may not be the low-cost option you think it is. The cost of a Case Study created in-house is your time and resources. Do you have either of those to spare? Also, employees with little experience in creating Case Studies may actually increase the cost as they spend a lot of time learning the process and fixing errors.

But if you have the bandwidth needed to spend handling all of the work that goes into creating a Case Study, this choice might be good for you. Before you start the process, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to creating Case Studies. Also, don’t forget that if you don’t already have a strong writer or graphic designer on your staff, you may have to hire someone to fit these roles to lend a professional touch to your Case Study.


Using a freelancer to create your Case Study can cost between $600 and $1,200. Low-cost freelancers are easy to find. However, some of them lack experience, some produce low-quality content, and only a few can design your Case Study so that it’s ready to publish and promote.

General Marketing Agencies

Creating Case Studies is not exactly in most marketing agencies’ wheelhouse. If they offer to write your Case Study, you’re sure to get a high-quality product—but they’ll charge you a premium. Expect a Case Study from a marketing agency to cost approximately $3,000.

Full-Service, Specialized Case Study Agencies

The cost of a Case Study is $1,950 when you use a full-service, specialized Case Study agency like SuccessKit. We have an experienced team in place to ensure that your Case Study will be professionally managed, written, edited, and designed. Consequently, you won’t need to do much work on your end—we oversee the entire process from start to finish. The result is a Case Study that you can be proud to show to prospects.

What Goes into the Price of a Case Study?

Several factors influence the cost of a Case Study, and these factors will vary depending on which Case Study writing service you choose. Make sure you know what you’re getting for your money. A freelancer may produce a polished product, but not conduct any client interviews or do any project management tasks. A marketing agency will create your Case Study, but perhaps on its own leisurely timeline. Using your own time and resources could be a low-cost option—provided that those working on the project know what they’re doing.

With a full-service, specialized Case Study agency like SuccessKit, the cost of a Case Study includes the efforts of experienced staff members who know just what to do to achieve a high-quality finished product. Case Studies are our specialty, so we prioritize them and get them done in the most efficient way possible. Project management, client interviews and permissions, and writing and design are all included in the price—as is your peace of mind.


To learn more about our process and the cost of our Case Studies, contact us at [email protected].

Wilton Blake

Wilton has been a writer his entire professional life. He has been an appellate attorney at a large law firm, a newspaper publisher, a marketing director for a nonprofit organization, and a freelance writer specializing in White Papers and Case Studies. Wilton is now the Director of Content at SuccessKit.

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