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Best Professional Services Case Study Examples

The professional services Case Study is the star of this post. We’ll explain what makes for a great Case Study for a professional services firm and showcase some real-life examples.

What Makes for a Great Professional Services Case Study?

A strong professional services Case Study begins with an engaging headline that captures the reader’s attention. To be effective, the headline must highlight the core value proposition or outcome of the Case Study. It’s the headline that sets up the narrative structure that follows. The reader should flow from the headline through the accessible and compelling story that portrays the customer’s journey, the challenges faced, the solutions provided, and the results realized.

To effectively showcase the positive impact of a service, be sure to include specific results. These results provide concrete evidence to support the belief that others can achieve similar outcomes. Whenever possible, incorporating genuine quotes from the customer can further bolster the authenticity of the Case Study. This not only highlights the customer’s journey but provides additional support for the results achieved.

Finally, how the Case Study looks to the reader is critical. It should be professionally designed, utilizing graphics, images, and photos. These visual elements enhance the appeal and comprehension of the Case Study.

Examples of Powerful Professional Services Case Studies

All the Case Studies in this section are SuccessKit clients who wanted to showcase the success their customers achieved thanks to the variety of professional services they provided. Furthermore, they all contain the previously mentioned traits, making each one a successful professional services Case Study.

COMMANDO – Music City PrEP Clinic

This Case Study does more than showcase the work COMMANDO did for Music City PrEP Clinic. It also makes a statement with its bold and eye-catching design. The impressive quantitative result in the title is also impactful.

Read the Case Study.

North Labs – Bluemark

This professional services Case Study for North Labs about providing professional services to Bluemark features a unique quote. Most Case Study subjects will say your client is a great “partner.” Here, the subject says the North Labs team were “mentors.” This is a very strong quote featured on the first page.

Read the Case Study.

Cro Metrics – Metromile

In this premium professional services Case Study, which spans four pages rather than the typical two pages, the featured customer is showcased throughout the body of the text. This Case Study tells the tale of Metromile’s journey toward a solution and how it worked with Cro Metrics to realize solid results.

Read the Case Study.

MedCo Data – Neurology Center

MedCo Data’s Case Study featuring Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures has the type of headline you want to use. It effectively sets up the story by summarizing the content in one sentence. You get a sense of the situation, solution, and result.

Read the Case Study.

Corporate Insight – Anonymous

Our client, Corporate Insight, couldn’t use the name of its client due to the competitive nature of the industry. Writing an anonymous Case Study is challenging. However, it provides a means of showcasing your work even though you can’t name the client.

Read the Case Study.

Transformational Mortgage Advisors – Get A Rate

Transformational Mortgage Advisors’s Case Study about how it helped Get A Rate grow by 300% in just one year is an excellent example of a professional Services Case Study. Whenever there is a measurable result, highlight it in the headline and the results section.

Read the Case Study.


You can write your own professional services Case Study, using our how-to guide as a tutorial. Or reach out to us at [email protected]—we can help you with your B2B content needs.

Wilton Blake

Wilton has been a writer his entire professional life. He has been an appellate attorney at a large law firm, a newspaper publisher, a marketing director for a nonprofit organization, and a freelance writer specializing in White Papers and Case Studies. Wilton is now the Director of Content at SuccessKit.

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